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20/20 was a promotional spot that aired in Coastal Virginia Highlighting the YMCA of South Hampton Roads new deal. Edited using Adobe After Effects and Illustrator, pieces like this are super fun to create and offer a different look for your brand. Consider animation when needed titles, themes, logos, or special effects for your work.  


If you live in San Diego, as Drivewey founder Matt Delbruegge does, you understand how parking constrains almost every aspect of life. The most significant barrier to parking is not the availability of space but access to it, and that’s what Drivewey seeks to revolutionize.

Working with co-founder Bobby Wright on the east coast of Virginia, Drivewey is more than another parking or reservation app. It has a growing team of over 50 collaborators and community developers working in urban areas to create dynamic parking solutions.

Our vision is to reduce parking constraints, so local commerce, tourism, and event-based entertainment can thrive.

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